Nevis observes World Post Day 50, Minister of Posts delivers address to mark occasion

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 09, 2019) — The following is an address delivered by Hon. Spencer Brand, Minister responsible for Posts on Nevis on the occasion of World Post Day 50 observed on October 09, 2019.
I bring you greetings once again on the occasion of recognizing and celebrating World Post Day 50. One hundred and forty five years ago the Universal Postal Union was born in Tokyo in the year 1874. On October 9th 1969, it was decided on that World Post Day will be celebrated annually. The theme for World Post Day 50 penned by the Director General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) is “Delivering development is delivering progress”.
Celebrations would have started already by the Postal Services Department on Nevis. I was privileged to march with the Nevis Post Office staff along with permanent secretary, assistant secretary and administrative staff from my ministry on Friday 27th September 2019, from the Elquomedo T. Willet Park to the Nevis Post Office through Charlestown.
Moreover, the Ministry again worshipped with the management and staff of the Post Office at a thanks giving service on Sunday 29th September 2019, at the Zion Chapel in Gingerland. The Nevis post office will actually have a month of celebrations to mark World Post Day 50.
The objective of the celebrations is to bring awareness of the role of post in our everyday lives, businesses and its contribution to global economic development.
We are faced with many challenges as Post Worldwide; such as globalization, market liberalization, competition, electronic substitution, the advancement of new technologies, regional and national inequalities and others. We however, refuse to accept defeat as we initiate new products and services that are geared towards delivering development and progress, and revenue growth.
There is much to consider in delivering development in the area of posts, such as increasing access to government services, facilitating and simplifying the export and the exporting process. More export means there would be an increase in foreign currency and creation of jobs. Furthermore, it would create opportunities for the poor and vulnerable by developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
For development and progress in the postal sector to become a reality, digital transformation should be in the forefront. We must embrace change and digitalization. To become more profitable we have to make this successful change. The postal network is unified and capable of improving our services to customers.
We intend to consider new opportunities and diversify our operations. E-commerce plays a pivotal role in the growth of imports and exports and efficiency in the delivery of our services.
Even with technological innovation, our postmen and women still play a vital role in the delivery of our mails. Yes, the mail volume has decreased but the delivery of mails is still very relevant.
I take this opportunity to salute our past and present postmen and women who paved the way in the delivery of the first batch of mails. They continue to serve with pride as they move from door to door reliably, securing and gaining the trust of our clients in the performance of their duties. Our postmen and women are the ones who brought the trust of the populace to the counter of the post office.
I encourage you to continue to serve well and with distinction. Those who are presently serving at the Nevis post office, please take a bow. You are doing a great job – Mr. Vernon “Tim” Wilkinson, Mr. Evan “Gravity” Davis, Mr. Dinsdale “Dale” Pemberton, Mr. Dwight “Dadda” Dore, Mr. Addison “Addy” Jeffers, Mr. Elmo “Bombo” Grant, Mr. Glenroy “Boukie” Pemberton, Mr. Bryan Browne, Mrs. Louise Mitchell, Miss Doreen Hendrickson and last but by no means least Miss Teresa Emilien.
As we celebrate World Post Day throughout the month of October, I invite the general public and stakeholders to support and participate in the upcoming activities. I also wish the post office management and staff every success. Your efforts are commendable. Keep up the good works.
Happy World Post Day to all.