NEVLEC announces power outage for Brown Hill and Lumper Hill

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (July 24, 2018) — The following is an announcement from the Nevis Electricity Company Limited (NEVLEC) dated July 24, 2018, regarding power outages at Brown Hill and Lumper Hill.
NEVLEC apologises for the frequent interruptions to the service to our valued customers in Brown Hill and Lampar Hill. This is due to the ongoing Brown Hill Road Rehabilitation Project.
To reduce the time of these interruptions, NEVLEC will endeavor to complete the relocation of lines in phases.
The first of these interruptions will be on Thursday July 26th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Subsequent interruptions will be announced closer to the date of the interruption.
NEVLEC again apologises for the inconveniences caused and thank the residents of Brown Hill and Lampar Hill for their patience and reminds customers, that in each case, service may be delayed to later than the time specified.
For additional information, please call our Customer Service Office at the following numbers: Customer Service – 469-7243/5 or 662-5799, Emergency Service – 469-9100 or 662-5811.