Constitution – Chapter 6 – Warrants for unforeseen expenditure
Warrants for unforeseen expenditure.
73.- (1) If it appears to the Minister for the time being responsible for finance that-
a) there is an urgent need to incur expenditure;
b) no provision exist for that expenditure in any appropriation law or other law; and
c) it would not be in the public interest to delay the authorization of that expenditure until such time as a supplementary estimate can be laid before the National Assembly,
the Minister may, by special warrant, authorize the issue from the Consolidated Fund of the money required to meet that expenditure:
Provided that the total such for the time being authorized to be issued under this subsection, for which no provisions has been made by an appropriation law, shall not exceed such amount as may be prescribed by Parliament.
(2) Where in any financial year any expenditure has been authorized by special warrant under subsection (1) the Minister for the time being responsible for finance shall cause a supplementary estimate relating to that expenditure to be laid before the National Assembly at the first sitting of the Assembly occurring after the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the warrant and a supplementary appropriation bill shall be introduced in the Assembly providing for the issue of the sums authorized to be spent and appropriating them to the purposed specified therein.