Budget Estimates 2018

Dear Citizens,

I present the 2018 Budget Estimates with an anticipation that the future of our beloved island of Nevis in this fiscal year will prosper and grow. The main intention of the Budget Estimates is to provide clear and transparent information on the operations of the Nevis Island Administration. It aligns the priorities of the Administration with the resources necessary for their effective execution and is developed using activity and performance based budgeting. The methodology is consistent with the medium term fiscal framework purposed to take a longer term view of the government operations. The outline focuses on creating an avenue to leverage partnerships with the private sector and non-governmental organizations to improve outcomes in the areas of tourism, agriculture, financial services and energy. Efforts to strengthen these partnerships will continue as my Administration strives to promote a well-functioning private sector.

In 2018, my Administration is expected to continue its policies to create conditions for economic growth, social advancement and environmental protection; promote human development and ensure a clear and transparent governance structure with effective public management oversight systems and institutions. The legislative apparatus will be invigorated and the active participation of all members of Parliament is expected. Consequently, the budget has made provision for a designated office and administrative support to be provided to the Leader of the Opposition.

The Administration in the 2018 period will complete the road improvement initiatives which began in 2017. This includes the rehabilitation of the Brown Hill Village Road. The New Castle Police Station renovation will be concluded in this year which will bring considerable relief to our armed forces. Moreover, this fiscal year, the people of Gingerland will benefit from the construction of a festival village to host the Gingerama festivities and other events the community wishes to undertake. All Ministries and Departments will work assiduously to accomplish these and other objectives on behalf of the people of Nevis. I pledge my commitment in this regard and take this opportunity to extend boundless blessing on all citizens and residents.

Best regards,
Honourable Mark Brantley
Premier and Minister of Finance


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