Nevis Offshore Banking Ordinance 1996 as amended
This Ordinance may be cited as The Nevis Offshore Banking Ordinance, 1996.
This Ordinance may be cited as The Nevis Offshore Banking Ordinance, 1996.
This Ordinance may be cited as the NEVIS INTERNATIONAL EXEMPT TRUST ORDINANCE, 1994.
This Ordinance may be cited as the NEVIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ORDINANCE, 1995.
The Minister of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 105 of the Multiform Foundations Ordinance, 2004 and all other powers there under enabling him makes the following Regulations
AN ORDINANCE to provide for the regulation of persons establishing and carrying on off-shore insurance business from within Nevis and for purposes connected therewith.
AN ORDINANCE to amend The Nevis International Insurance Ordinance (No. 1 of 2004) and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
AN ORDINANCE for the promotion, development and furtherance of the financial services industry, businesses and trades in and from Nevis and the general economic development of Nevis and any matter incidental or supplementary thereto by the making of various miscellaneous amendments to the Nevis International Mutual Funds Ordinance, No. 3 of 2004.
AN ACT to make provision for the imposition and collection of value added tax; and to provide for related or incidental matters.
The economy of St. Christopher and Nevis has made significant strides in transitioning from an economy heavily dependent on sugar production to a services based economy with Tourism and Financial Services as the leading sectors. However, the present Tax System has not kept pace with the development of the economy and continues to be based to a large extent on the levying of duties on imported goods.
The purpose of this publication is to bring together in one volume some of the major important statistical series on Nevis Economic and Social trends. While it would be an exaggeration to suggest this publication is all inclusive, every effort has been made to include detailed descriptions of most of all the data presented.
Welcome to the 2015 Statistical Digest complied by the Department of Statistics and Economic Planning in the Ministry of Finance, Nevis Island Administration.
I am pleased to release the “Nevis Statistical Digest 2014” for the period 2009 – 2013, on behalf of the Department of Statistics and Economic Planning of the Ministry of Finance.