Sports’ Mission Statement

To provide quality experiences to individuals of all ages and abilities, through instruction in basic skills required to be successful in the major sporting disciplines and to develop positive characteristics of integrity, good sportsmanship, character, commitment and competitive desires in athletes.

  • Coordinate coaching and physical training at all levels in the major sporting disciplines.
  • Facilitate training programs for sport administrators, teams and officials.
  • Provide financial and technical support to Sports Council and Associations.
  • Coordinate the construction, use, upgrade and maintenance of recreational facilities.
  • Develop sporting partnership through participation in competitions locally, regionally and internationally.
  • Upgrade the sports museum as necessary.
  • Promote sports tourism as an economic activity.

To create an enabling environment conducive to the development of all sports through. improvement of infrastructure, coaching and training, sports administration and sports tourism.

Sustainable priorities
  • Design and implement technical and physical training programs for all national teams.
  • Organize competitions at the school and community levels to sharpen the skills of our athletes.
  • Upgrade and maintain existing recreational facilities and construct new ones as necessary and establish appropriate policies for their usage.
  • Conduct workshops/seminars for sports officers, associations, officials and teams to improve t heir management and organizational skills.
  • Coordinate the delivery and monitoring of all aspects of the specific sporting discipline through a centralized body referred to as a Sports Council.
  • Foster linkages between sports and tourism as part of the economic development process.
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