Social Services’ Mission Statement

To create and implement programs, and offer services that will promote the ongoing improvement of the well being of the society.

  • Provide counseling services to the General Public.
  • Provide support services to troubled juveniles and families.
  • Raise the level of awareness of gender related issues.
  • Provide support services for persons experiencing crises arising from personal or natural disasters with the view to assisting them back to self-sufficiency.
  • Welfare assistance to economically disadvantaged persons in society.
  • Initiate projects/programs (long and short term) to foster the development of positive attitudes with respect to family, gender, youth and the aged community.
  • Create and maintain services geared to improve the quality of life of the           elderly.
  • Provide support and cooperation to other Departments and Ministries whose activities/programs are complementary/supplementary to the effectiveness of the department.
  • To assist youth groups with technical and other support for the achievement of their objectives.
  • Develop appropriate programs and projects towards achieving the overall advancement of youth.
  • Commemorate internationally recognized days which focus on youth, the elderly, gender and the family as a unit.
  • Keep relevant and accurate statistics which would assist in evaluating the provision of existing services, serve as information for the General Public and inform the Government’s plan for future social change and development.
  • Research and inform on innovations in social services delivery and social work.

To impact Nevisian society with programs and services to the extent where social well being is achieved and maintained.


  • Formulate and maintain effective social programs at each Department Division level.
  • Monitor and control cash and in kind assistance that would prevent dependency on such services and promote self sufficiency among our clients when this is possible.
  • Keep accurate and consistent statistics of social services delivered.
  • Access training for all staff members.
  • Motivate staff to achieve high level of performance.
  • Concentrate on an integrated approach to interdepartmental planning and delivery of programs.
  • Maintain national, regional and international collaborations which would enhance our service delivery.

The Social Development Department is committed to:

  • Quality Service: We strive to provide quality programs and services that would positively impact the lives of our clients.
  • Confidentiality:  We are committed to treating clients’ information and exchanges with confidentiality to the extent where we can legally and morally do so.
  • Innovation:  To devise new methods of service and program delivery when this is necessary and to keep abreast of regional innovations in social service practices.
  • Teamwork:  We foster and encourage teamwork and recognize that it is critical to the functioning of each division and the department as a whole.
  • Multi-disciplinary Approach to Social Service Delivery:  We endeavor to practice this approach, cognizant of our limited resources, and recognizing the value and  of soliciting the input and services of other professionals in our field if we are to provide our clients with the best possible service.
  • Responsibility:  Each officer is empowered to fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Performance:  Each officer knows what their responsibilities are and are aware of the expected desired results.  Performance evaluation will focus on their knowledge of their duties and the expected results they should achieve.
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