Constitution – Chapter 10 – Responsibilities of Administration

Responsibilities of Administration.

106.- (1) The Administration shall have exclusive responsibility for the administration within the island of Nevis, in accordance with the provisions of any relevant laws, of the following matters-

a) airports and seaports;

b) education;

c) extraction and processing of minerals;

d) fisheries;

e) health and welfare;

f) labour;

g) land and buildings vested in the Crown and specifically appropriated to the use of the Government; and

h) licensing of imports into and exports out of Saint Christopher and Nevis.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall-

a) affect the exercise of any power vested by law in the Governor General or a Minister; or

b) empower the Administration to take any action that is inconsistent with the general policy of the Government as signified by the Prime Minister in a written communication to the Premier, or that relates to a question that in the opinion of the Prime Minister as so signified involves issues of national concern, without the prior concurrence of the Prime Minister.

(3) If land in the island of Nevis is required for the use of the Government, the Administration shall either make available suitable land that is vested in the Crown or else acquire and make available other suitable land and the Government shall be responsible for paying appropriate compensation to any private person whose interests may have been adversely affected and appropriate compensation to the Administration and buildings or other property previously paid for by the Administration and appropriated for the use of the Government with the land.

(4) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as precluding the legislature from conferring other responsibilities on the Administration.



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