External Company Forms
Item 1:
Set out full legal name of Company.
Items 2 and 3:
Set out address in full, such as street, number and if multi-office building, room number and postal code.
Item 4:
Give date, jurisdiction and manner of incorporation and particulars of its corporate instruments, including the period, if any, fixed by its corporate instruments for its duration.
Item 5:
State the particulars required by section 344(1) of the Ordinance.
Item 6:
State the main actual business or businesses of the Company, and the date on which the company intends to commence any of its operations in Nevis.
Item 7:
With respect to each director, set out first given name, initial and family name and full residential address. Also specify occupation.
Item 8:
Verified copy of each of its corporate instruments with up-to-date amendments must be obtained from an appropriate official of jurisdiction where the company is incorporated or deemed to be incorporated. A notarially certified copy will be accepted.
There must also accompany the statement the statutory declarations required by section 344(2)(a) of the Ordinance one of which must include a declaration that the Company is a validly existing Company.