Paying Value Added Tax (VAT)

The Inland Revenue Department takes pleasure in announcing the launch of its E-Services. Through E-services your company can submit and pay tax returns online directly to Inland Revenue via the internet.

The main objective of this project is to increase the IRD’s effectiveness and efficiency in collecting taxes with the use of modern ICT infrastructure.

Other objectives include the provision of:

  • Enhanced service delivery with the delivery of online services to our valued Clients with our 24x7x365 approach in availability;
  • Deliver readily available Statistics and Tax account information which will lend rise to transparency;
  • Broaden our reach and tax net by drawing closer to taxpayer and beyond geographical boundaries.

To register for E-services you need to complete an E-services enrollment form which is available by clicking the e-services tab on or by visiting our offices. Once registered, in an effort to ensure that access to the web-based facilities is secure; you will be given a unique user identification number and password. This process will certify that your access is secure and that your information will remain confidential. Detailed instructions for this process and training to use E-Filing will be provided by contacting the Inland Revenue department at 869-469-5856 or by visiting our website

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