The Department of Statistics has been relocated to the Horsford Business Complex upstairs Valu Mart Supermarket.

Any inconvenience cause is deeply regretted.

Slogan Competition (Secondary and Tertiary School Students)

This competition seeks to provide the opportunity for Secondary and Tertiary School students to participate in the messaging information to promote the 2021 Population and Housing Census activities.  The winning slogan will ultimately be displayed on various census paraphernalia with the aims of encouraging all residents of St. Kitts and Nevis to support and participate “Census2021”.

Participants are to submit a short phrase or sentence that captures the importance of the Population and Housing Census and encourages everyone to participate.


Who is eligible?

Secondary School and Tertiary students in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis.



  1. Participants could be students of any Secondary or Tertiary school in St. Kitts and Nevis.
  2. Each participant is allowed only one (1) entry into the slogan competition.
  3. Slogan should be attractive, memorable and draws awareness to the upcoming census.
  4. Slogan should contain no more than seven (7) words.
  5. Slogan must be original and relates specifically to the Population and Housing Census 2021. Should not be previously published nor have received any award for the same.
  6. Slogan must not contain any inappropriate- offensive or provocative language.
  7. Slogan should be submitted by the 5th October 2020, directly or via the principal of school to the Department of Statistics- upstairs Valu Mart IGA Nevis Building, Farms Estate, Nevis. Alternatively, submission may be made via email, to  with the subject “Census Slogan Competition”.
  8. Submission of logo should include:
  • Name of the composer
  • Contact information (Address, Contact Number and Email address)
  • Age of Participant (As at last birthday)
  • Name of the participant’s school and Grade
  • Slogan


Additional Information:


  • The Department of Statistics reserves the right to use the winning slogan in the promotion of St. Kitts and Nevis Population and Housing Census 2021- locally, regionally and internationally.
  • Participants will receive a call or message on the receipt of their submission.
  • All submissions that meet the outline criteria will be eligible for Judging round.
  • There will be two (2) first round winners, one from St. Kitts and one from Nevis; These two winners will then compete for Overall winner and Runner-up positions.
  • Winners of the slogan competition would be announced on the Department of Statistics Facebook page, Website, Nevis Television and ZIZ Television and other media outlets.
  • The winning entry will become the official slogan for the 2021 Housing and Population Census and will be placed on all promotional activities. The runner-up slogan will be used as slogans during the promotional activities.
  • All entries will become the property of the Department of Statistics.



The 1st Round Winner will receive three hundred dollars. ($300.00 + Trophy)

The 1st Round Winner’s school will receive two hundred dollars. ($200.00 + Certificate)


The Federation’s Winner will receive an additional two hundred & fifty dollars. ($250.00 + Trophy)

The runners up will receive an additional one hundred dollars. ($100.00 + Certificate)


Judging Criteria:

Relevance (brief, memorable, and expressive):                                 30 points

Creativity (original, and innovative):                                                 10 points

Impact (inspirational, and visionary):                                                10 points

Clarity (ability to convey idea with clarity, distinct)                         30 points

Grammar (proper English, not exceed 7 words):                               20 points

Criteria Total                                                                                    100 points                  

Tagline Competition (Primary School Students)

This competition seeks to provide the opportunity for Primary School students to participate in the messaging information to promote the 2020/2021 Population and Housing Census activities.  The winning tagline will ultimately be displayed on various census paraphernalia with the aims of encouraging all residents of St. Kitts and Nevis to support and participate “Census2021”.

Participants are to submit a short phrase or sentence that captures the importance of the Population and Housing Census and encourages everyone to participate.


Who is eligible?

Primary School students in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis.



  1. Participants could be students of any Primary School in St. Kitts and Nevis.
  2. Each participant is allowed only one (1) entry into the tagline competition.
  3. Tagline should be attractive, memorable and draws awareness to the upcoming census.
  4. Tagline should contain no more than seven (7) words.
  5. Tagline must be original and relates specifically to the Population and Housing Census 2021. Should not be previously published nor have received any award for the same.
  6. Tagline must not contain any inappropriate- offensive or provocative language.
  7. Tagline should be submitted by the 5th October 2020, directly or via the principal of school to the Department of Statistics- upstairs Valu Mart IGA Nevis Building, Farms Estate, Nevis. Alternatively, submission may be made via email, to with the subject “Census Tagline Competition”.
  8. Submission of logo should include;
  • Name of the designer
  • Contact information (Address, Contact Number and Email address)
  • Age of Participant (As at last birthday)
  • Name of the participant’s school and Grade
  • Tagline


Additional Information:

  • The Department of Statistics reserves the right to use the winning tagline in the promotion of St. Kitts and Nevis Population and Housing Census 2021- locally, regionally and internationally.
  • Participants will receive a call or message on the receipt of their submission.
  • All submissions that meet the outlined criteria will be eligible for judging round.
  • There will be two (2) winners, one from St. Kitts and one from Nevis.
  • Winners of the tagline competition would be announced on the Department of Statistics Facebook page, Website, Nevis Television and ZIZ Television and via other media outlets.
  • The winning entries will be used as official taglines for the 2020/2021 Housing and Population Census activities and will be placed on selected promotional materials.
  • All entries will become the property of the Department of Statistics.



The winner will receive three hundred dollars. ($300.00 + Trophy)

The winner’s school will receive two hundred dollars. ($200.00 + Certificate)


Judging Criteria:

Relevance (brief, memorable, and expressive):                                 30 points

Creativity (original, and innovative):                                                 10 points

Impact (inspirational, and visionary):                                                10 points

Clarity (ability to convey idea with clarity, distinct)                         30 points

Grammar (proper English, not exceed 7 words):                               20 points

Criteria Total                                                                                    100 points                  

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[ucaddon_simple_opening_hours tuesday=”8:00 AM – 4:00 PM” wedensday=”8:00 AM – 4:00 PM” thursday=”8:00 AM – 4:00 PM” friday=”8:00 AM – 4:00 PM”]

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