The Disaster Management Framework is comprised of the Nevis Island Assembly Cabinet of Ministers, The Nevis Disaster Management Committee (NDMC), The Nevis Disaster Management Department (NDMD), Disaster Management Sub Committees, District Chairpersons, Community Emergency Response Teams and Volunteers. The Emergency Powers Act No 15 of 1967, the Disaster Management Act No. 5 of 1998 and the Nevis Disaster Plan of 2017 provides the legal and operational framework to support these entities.
The Nevis Disaster Management Department is a coordinating agency providing core functions of Coordination, Policy Development and Resilience Building. It coordinates all activities relevant to the phases of the Disaster Management Cycle i.e. Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Recovery and Rehabilitation. The island of Nevis is vulnerable to many natural and anthropogenic hazards. Some of which are triggered by the effects of Climate Change and or variability. The impact of these hazards can adversely affect key aspects of our island’s development agenda. It is critical therefore that our Country Work Programme advances the Comprehensive Disaster Management approach to mitigate risks and enhance resilience in our communities. Our Department encourages the development of Disaster, Emergency, Communications and Business Continuity Plans. It conducts regular training/educational programs for public/private officials, volunteers and emergency response personnel. It encourages a program of regularly scheduled exercises, designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency response plans and capabilities. A solid gender sensitive public education and awareness program provides the general public and stakeholder agencies with education on the nature of hazards, protective measures, and an awareness of the responsibilities of Government and citizens in an emergency/disaster.