Nevis observes International Women’s Day 2016 with week of activities

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 07, 2016) — Nevis joins the global observance of International Women’s Day 2016. March 08 has been set aside by the United Nations for the annual celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women around the world. This year’s international theme is “Pledge for Parity.”
Lorraine Archibald, Coordinator of the Gender Affairs Division, Social Services Department, in the Ministry of Social Development said on March 03, 2016, that the division values the contribution of the women of Nevis and is planning a week of activities to celebrate them.
The week began with a church service at the Taylor’s Memorial Wesleyan Holiness Church in Charlestown on March 06, 2016. A number of activities will be held on International Women’s Day. The first will be a symposium held in the morning and in the afternoon a new initiative Non-traditional Occupations for Women (NOW) will be launched and Junior Minister of Social Development Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams will deliver an address.
The activities will continue on March 12, when 10 women will be honoured for their contributions to the community.
According to Archibald, all the honourees have shown exemplary leadership in familiar, social and occupational settings; have been positive examples for young people on the island, have shown a general high level of integrity and character and have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help others in need.
In describing the role of the division, Ms. Archibald said it is mandated to help women and children reach their full potential in achieving their personal objectives and desired goals through a positive and productive life.
However, men are not left out. She said they too are valued for their contributions but the division is seeking to share the equality and the equity theory that affords women a fair share.
Archibald said the Gender Affairs Division plans to keep gender parity on the its agenda and ensure that deserving women are recognised.