
Mission Statement

To provide legal advice to the Nevis Island Administration on all legal matter and to protect the interest of the Government and the people of Nevis. 



 The Legal Department will provide outstanding legal services in a responsive, efficient, prompt and professional manner to the Nevis Island Administration and public, upholding the rule of the law and defending the Constitution of St. Christopher and Nevis.


The corporate values governing the legal department will include the following:

Integrity and honesty

  • Ensuring that our practices reflect the highest ethical and professional standards.
  • Being truthful, accurate and straightforward in our advice.
  • Being sincere in both communication and conduct.
  • Acting in the best interest of the community we serve.

Quality Service

  • Collectively desiring to exceed client`s expectation by continually improving the value and effectiveness of our work.
  • Producing work of consistent quality.


  • We take responsibility for our actions, our decisions and our performance.


  • Provide legal advice to the heads of ministries, departments and statutory bodies of the Nevis administration upon all matters of law connected there to.
  • Provides advice to the Nevis Island Administration upon all matters of law connected with legislative instruments and superintend all government measures of a legislative nature.
  • Conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the Nevis Island Administration or any ministry, department or statutory body of the administration.
  • Ensure that administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law.
  • Collaborate with the ministry of finance in enforcing the tax laws in an economical, efficient and impartial matter to promote and maximize revenues. 
  • Prepare and vet diverse legal documents such as conveyances, transfers, leases, contracts, agreements, legal opinions and bonds.
  • Process marriage licenses, alien land holding licenses, and declaration of natural parents applications for registration of father`s name.
  • Provide continuous examination and registration of all companies (Domestic and external) operating on the island of Nevis.
  • Ensure companies comply with the company’s ordinance and relevant legislation.
  • Ensure information on registered companies is available to the public.
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