Department of Community Development on Nevis making major changes to its 2020 Christmas events in Charlestown

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 23, 2020) — The Department of Community Development will combine two of its Christmas Season events this year. The “Miracle on Main Street” and “Christmas in the Capital,” will be held on December 02, 2020, in an all-day affair at the Memorial Square in Charlestown.
Mrs. Janette Meloney, Director of the Department of Community Development gave the Department of Information some insight into the event which will be held from midday in a recent interview.
“This event…should culminate at 8 p.m. …and then we will light the Christmas tree in Charlestown, and so we will be having a mixture of the Christmas sports which we all know as the Masquerade and Johnny Walker, along with singing and dancing and poems.” she said.
Mrs. Meloney explained the changes which will take place considering the COVID-19 protocols.
“For this year, I want you all to volunteer to be a part of The Miracle or to be part of Christmas in the Square. So if you think you can sing or if you can say a poem or you can dance, whatever you can do; you have a small group in your church or whatever group you may have and you want to do a performance, this is the time for you to come and showcase your talent…
“We are going to have time slots for each individual group to do their performance, and let’s say you come at midday and your time is from 12:00 to 12:10 you will perform there and you can leave so that we won’t have the mass gathering, seeing that we have to take into consideration the social distancing. We want to have you for Christmas, so that’s why we have to change it up so that we can also protect each other while we enjoy ourselves,” she said.
Any persons or groups interested in participating in the Miracle on Main Street/Christmas in the Capital event can call the Department of Community Development at 469-1768; or 469-5521, ext.: 2185 or 2188.