Department of Education welcomes donation for two schools on Nevis

Vice President of the Nevis Association of South Florida Avonelle Hanley (right) officially handing over a check to the Principal Education Officer in the Department of Education Palsy Wilkin at a handing over ceremony at the Department of Education of May 20, 2014
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (MAY 20, 2014) – The Department of Education welcomes a donation of electronic and sporting equipment from the Nevis Association of South Florida on May 20, 2014, at a small but significant handing over ceremony at the of the Department of Education, Pinney’s Industrial Site.
Vice President of the Association Avonelle Hanley, handed over a Sony Home Theatre System and a laptop to the Department of Education for the Charlestown Secondary School Library and sporting equipment and a monetary donation of EC$1,200 for signage for the Ivor Walters Primary School. She explained the donations were all part of lending assistance to Nevis.
“I am here from the Nevis Association of South Florida…and once again we try to do whatever we can, when we can to assist in the youth of Nevis,” she said.

“On behalf of the Ministry and the Department of Education I do accept with gratitude and appreciation from the Nevis Association in South Florida through the representative Ms Avonelle Hanley.
“I was at the Ivor Walters Primary School one morning when Mr. Clinton Weeks [Association’s President] came to visit his alma mater. He did say that he would do anything that the Ivor Walters would want to have done and the first thing that he was shown was the sign post at the school and here we are today getting the monies for erecting a proper sign post at the Ivor Walters Primary and for that we are extremely grateful. So do convey our thanks and our appreciation to the Nevisians in South Florida,” she said.

“Here at the Department of Education in Nevis, we do strive for success for all of our students be it education, in the area of academics or sports or whatever. We want all our students to succeed and in order for us to realize that success for every student, we do have to partner with any association, any group of people who wants to partner with us, so that our goal can become a reality,” she said.