Human Resources Update

One of the key themes in this year’s Back to School Opening ceremony at the end of August was Collaboration. This seems a very pertinent theme to consider as a new academic year starts in the Federation and also as we celebrate our 31st anniversary of Independence. It is a theme which should be embraced by the entire civil service. There is urgent need for greater collaboration between and among Ministries, Departments, Units and within offices. Too often in our workplaces the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. There is an inadequate culture of team work and cooperation in the public service which adversely affects productivity among government officers. In such a small island with limited human resources, the sharing of skills, knowledge, talents and competencies can go a long way towards improving outcomes and effectiveness. In a society where everyone knows each other, has gone to school together, worships together, and shares close ties of all sorts, it should not be hard to develop a culture of collaboration in the workplace on a day to day basis, despite our individual differences and points of view. Once the will to work more closely together is there, our jobs become more meaningful and more enjoyable. One of the quotes used at the Back to School Opening ceremony was that by the remarkable Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. Let each of us make this our mantra in the workplace on the occasion of our 31st Independence anniversary.


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