“Energy Independence Begins Now!” Premier Says.

Administration is committed to energy independence for Nevis. The leader of Nevis made the
statement during his weekly radio program, “In Touch with the Premier,” hosted on Choice
105.3 FM on Tuesday.
According to Mr. Parry, Geothermal energy will play a key role in powering Nevis’ future with
energy generated from heat stored deep in the earth. “Geothermal energy will be cleaner, cheaper
and better for the people of Nevis, with a savings of 40% on electricity bills. There will also be
a potential of over 100 jobs to lay down roads, pipelines, power plants and transmission lines
which will have to be built to transport power from the geothermal source,” said Mr. Parry.
The Hon. Carlisle Powell, Junior Minister for Natural Resources defended the NRP
Administration’s commitment to the Geothermal Energy Project saying, “the pending US$57
million dollar loan from Ex-Im Bank in the United States is a necessary investment in an energy
independent future for Nevis.”
Meanwhile, public awareness campaign has unveiled a number of billboards placed across the
island in an attempt to inform residents on Nevis of the many benefits that Geothermal will bring
for electricity consumers.
In an effort to promote the renewable energy source, a week of activities has been slated
including a Press Conference on Wednesday 8th June 2011. On Thursday, popular radio
programs like Breakfast Menu (7:30 am) and Tell Me (8 pm) will both feature Geothermal
Energy as their theme on Choice 105.3 FM.

Friday there will be a geothermal block party with music, food, drinks and giveaways of bumper
stickers, t-shirts and brochures. The block party will take place from 4 to 8pm in the D. R.
Walwyn square in Charlestown. A motorcade will take place on Saturday around Nevis.
On Sunday, special messages on geothermal will take place at a number of churches on the
island and on Monday, activities conclude with a Geothermal Jouvert troupe, as part of the
Winfest activities.