Faith-based organisations on Nevis seeking divine intervention for peace, brotherhood, goodwill in the community

(L-r) Fr. Piotr Palowski, Chairman of the Nevis Christian Council, and Rev. Ron Daniel, Chairman of the Nevis Evangelical Association, at the Department of Information on November 23, 2021
(L-r) Fr. Piotr Palowski, Chairman of the Nevis Christian Council, and Rev. Ron Daniel, Chairman of the Nevis Evangelical Association, at the Department of Information on November 23, 2021

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 25, 2021) — Prayer for peace on Nevis will be the first planned initiative the Nevis Christian Council and the Nevis Evangelical Association will hold as they seek to make Nevis a better place.

Fr. Piotr Palowski, Chairman of the Nevis Christian Council, and Rev. Ron Daniel, Chairman of the Nevis Evangelical Association, told the Department of Information on November 23, 2021, that both organisations agreed to collaborate on what they deem strategic matters of interest for the benefit of the island.

“In our meeting last week Wednesday… we came together and we decided that we would like to organise a special prayer for peace and to stop the violence in Nevis.

“We understand that it is very important and very crucial, and because of that we have agreed that on the weekend of 4th and 5th of December we would like all the churches to pray for peace on Saturday and Sunday, and together ask God to help us to stop the violence, to reconcile, and to make peace among all the people here,” he said.

Fr. Palowski believes that peace can happen and that seeking divine intervention could achieve that goal.

“Recently we witnessed the increase of violence, before that it was peaceful, so it is a sign for us that it’s possible to live in peace with each other, and Jesus said ‘Knock and it will be opened. Ask and it will be given on to you.’ So we would like to do that, to knock at heaven’s door and ask God to give us the grace and the gift of peace, understanding, reconciliation and goodness to each other.

“We believe that God will answer our prayers and help us to stop the violence and to live in peace on this beautiful island,” he said.

Rev. Daniel explained why the prayer session will span two days.

“We know that we have Seventh-Day Adventist Churches on Nevis, and so we expect on the Saturday, the Adventist Churches would be praying as well as on the Sunday then we would have those who worship on Sunday praying. We don’t see this as something as only one set of churches can do.

“We believe that we need all churches and we have enough examples in the Bible when the people of God have decided to pray that God does something, and so as Fr. Palowski says, we want to knock on heaven’s door and ask God for peace, for love, for care [and] reconciliation because at the end of the day the bloodshed in Nevis must end, and we believe that as we speak to God, and as we petition God…asking God to speak to the hearts of our young men and women who may want revenge or who may want to continue this violence to stop, and so that’s one of the key things why we are here today and so we want to make that push,” he said.

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