Heroes Day…Not Just another Public Holiday

He was at the time addressing the gathering at the second annual National Heroes Day Awards Ceremony held at the Occasions Entertainment Complex.
Minister Daniel, who had been involved in civil service for a number of years, used last week’s ceremony to underscore his ministry’s quest to breathe new life and meaning into Heroes Day.
“No longer must Heroes Day just pass as another public holiday. It must now be regarded as a day when we pause and say thank you to those who have helped to lift the country. It is a fitting tribute to those who have had to work against the odds,” he said.
Minister Daniel also described the ceremony as an opportunity to recast the Nevisian society to “ensure that today’s generation knows the people who have made an outstanding contribution to the country.”
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development Mr. Alsted Pemberton chaired the ceremony and described the honourees as “ordinary men and women who had achieved extraordinary things.”
“They have been loyal, focus, dedicated and determined. They have exhibited a true sense of perseverance, fortitude, selflessness coupled with a vast amount of sacrifice,” he said.
Awarded at the ceremony were Carl Tuckett, Stuart Williams, Livingston Sargeant, Keith Arthurton, Derick Parry, Jeanette Grell-Hull, Lydia Thompson-Claxton, Cresenthia O’Flaherty, Eustace Nisbett Sr. and Berlin Clarke.
The second annual National Heroes Day Awards Ceremony was initiated by the Nevis Reformation Party-led NIA to recognise the contributions of Nevisian heroes to the island’s development.