Hon. Mark Brantley appointed Leader of the Opposition in the St. Kitts and Nevis National Assembly

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 19, 2022) – Premier of Nevis, Hon. Mark Brantley, Leader of the Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM), has been appointed Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Hon. Brantley, elected representative for Nevis 9 in the August 05, 2022 federal elections, received his Instrument of Appointment from His Excellency Sir S.W. Tapley Seaton, Governor-General of St. Kitts and Nevis, on October 10, 2022.

“I can confirm that his Excellency has appointed me as Leader of the Opposition. As you know, pursuant to the Constitutional provisions, the Leader of the Opposition is the person who, in his opinion, commands the support of a majority of those who are not on the Government benches. There are currently five elected members on the Opposition benches- one from the PLP (Peoples Labour Party), one from PAM (Peoples Action Movement) and three from the CCM- and so certainly the CCM has a majority of seats on the Opposition benches, and it was the considered view that based on my own experience in the parliament and based on the time that I’ve spent there, that I could provide that support in that position, I could provide credible alternatives in terms of views and opinions expressed in the parliament and that I had the breadth of experience that was necessary,” he said in an interview with Freedom FM on October 19.
Premier Brantley began his parliamentary career at the National Assembly as Opposition Leader in August 2007, having won a by-election on Nevis in 2007. He served as Opposition Leader until 2015. He pledged that as Leader of the Opposition he would continue to engage in mature and meaningful debate in pursuit of the advancement of the country and people of St. Kitts and Nevis.
“We are looking forward definitely to the first sitting of the House. I gather that will happen October 25 and we look forward to getting down to the matters of governance. The truth is the elections are over and we are now in a different phase and this now is a time for the country to get together, for our people to work together, and I think the Opposition has a critical role to play to ensure that legislation and policies that are crafted through the parliament are for the benefit for all of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis…
“I intend to provide an alternative view where necessary but also to lend support where necessary because as I said the elections are over, we now need to focus on governance and we now need to see what are the best prescriptions to move our country and people forward.”