Junior Education Minister commends school principals for students’ performance in overseas exams

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (August 22, 2019) — Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister of Education, commended school managers for the Nevis Island Administration’s secondary schools for what appears to be satisfactory results by students who sat this year’s overseas examinations.
The minister was at the time delivering remarks at the start of the Ministry of Education’s annual meeting for school principals on August 20, 2019, at the Jessups Community Centre ahead of the commencement of the 2019/2020 school year.
“I know the results for Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC) has just returned.
“The Department of Education, they are working on doing the analysis. We have not received the final analysis yet. The results that we got, they were preliminary but it does look like our schools continue to perform well, and I believe that is worth highlighting,” he said.
Mr. Liburd also congratulated the school management teams at the primary level for their students’ success in the 2019 Test of Standards. He noted that he was looking forward to success in the upcoming school year.
The Junior Education Minister also used the opportunity to let the principals know that there would be changes in the new school year and expressed hope that they would embrace them.
Meantime, Mr. Liburd spoke of the ongoing work on the physical plant of some public schools and assured that renovations would continue.
“We have been able to do some work but because of budgetary constraints we have not gotten to all of the work but I want to take the opportunity to give my commitment that what we cannot get done during summer that we are going to try to get them done as we can throughout the school year and during the Christmas vacation break and the Easter vacation break,” he said.
The minister added that apart from a full time maintenance team attached to the Ministry of Education, they would be receiving assistance from the Public Works Department.
“As you know we now have the maintenance team within Education, so we are able to deploy it more regularly than we would have been able to before but we have also gotten the commitment from the Public Works Department to continue to work with us.