Licensing Authority on Nevis issues traffic flow guidelines for Gulf Inter-Primary Schools Athletic Championship

Sargeant Marva Chiverton, Head of the Traffic Division in Nevis
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 29, 2017) — The following is a notice from the St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force Nevis Division’s, Traffic Department regarding traffic flow on April 05, 2017.
In order to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic at the Gulf Insurance Inter-Primary Schools Athletic Championship in the vicinity of the Elquemedo Willett Park, the Traffic Department will effect the following traffic restrictions on Wednesday April 05, 2017.
– No parking will be permitted along Main Street, Charlestown from the Emmaus Chapel Church to Cedar Trees.
– Traffic will flow northwards towards Elquemedo Park
– Traffic will not be permitted to enter from the Reliable Motors end.
– Parking will be permitted on the Villa Grounds.
– Traffic will be diverted unto High School Road
After the activities are over, no vehicular traffic will be permitted to enter from the Charlestown Police Station end.
Persons travelling towards Cotton Ground side of the island, will access the buses from New Castle Bus Stop and those persons travelling towards Gingerland, will access buses from the Reliable Motors area.
Towing will be for persons who do not comply with these regulations.
Please be guided.