Mother Pleads for Community to Help Find her Son

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 14, 2010) — “He is a mother’s child and you are a mother’s child…so please bring back my son to me.”
Those were the words of a distraught mother, yesterday, as she pled to the general public to help her find her son who was last seen in the late hours of October 6th in Cole Hill Village.
27 year old Mr. Duran Grant alias Big Head is the father of three children: two girls and one boy and was described by his mother as someone who was always smiling. “When you see my son, you see me,” his mother, Ms. Imelda Grant, told the Department of Information as a teardrop fell from her eye and onto her left cheek.
Ms. Grant, who resides in Clay Ghaut Village, Gingerland said she was becoming extremely worried about her son’s disappearance especially since “he left home and said he was coming back.”
In recounting the events surrounding Mr. Grant’s disappearance, Ms. Grant said he would not leave home in the middle of a storm, hence the reason for her suspicion.
“Now, I do not know anyone out there who will leave home in a storm like this [Hurricane Otto] to take their mother to the hospital. If their mother tells them they are not feeling well, they will rub them up with alcolado, give them tea, and do something before they come out and drive to take their mother to the hospital so it’s very fishy that you will leave home in a storm like this to give a friend a lift so I really want to know,” she said.

Ms. Grant said her search has led to her calling members of her family in the United States asking if they know where her son was.
“I’m asking you out there in the public, if you heard, seen or know anything about the whereabouts of my son please inform me, if not, the people in authority. The Bible say[s] he put people in authority to rule and govern this place so therefore if you know anything about my son please [say something].
“I’ll be happy if you bring him and bring him back live, please! Nothing more than I want my son, nothing more,” she pleaded.
Ms. Grant told the Department of Information that she has many fond memories of her son, particularly when he would stop by her job at the Nevis Food Centre and ask, “mommy, you alright?”
The matter, according to Ms. Grant, was reported to the Police Station and she has since been advised that the Police are “following up on whatever little leads they get.”
“He [Duran] is between two pillows and all I want is for them to divert from the pillow on the right and look at the pillow on the left that he left home in a storm like this and has not returned,” she said.