Nevis Junior Minister of Education issues statement at the start of 2020-2021 Academic Year

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 09, 2020) — The following is a message from Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister of Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), on the Opening of the 2020-2021 Academic Year on September 07, 2020.
The Ministry of Education is delighted to welcome all principals, teachers, other instructional and support staff, parents and students to the start of a brand-new school year. We continue to pray for God’s continued guidance and protection over us.
Each year brings new adventures and opportunities for positive change. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a great deal of time, effort and thought has gone into the safe reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 academic year.
We say kudos and shower praise unto our principals, teachers and support staff who moved mountains during the premature closure and the summer break to ensure that our students felt love and support in these very uncertain times. Thank you for your commitment and understanding, even while you faced emotional and physical strain in your efforts to keep yourselves and your families safe. Thank you also to our hardworking education officials who have been toiling non-stop behind the scenes to ensure that schools were fully prepared for reopening.
We understand the many challenges and concerns that our schools will face, especially during this first term of our new normal, but we are confident that our teachers possess the courage, perseverance and creativity to ensure continued learning while keeping our children protected. You have shown time and time again that you will go above and beyond to positively impact the lives of those whom you were called to serve.
Now more than ever, our schools need the support of the entire school community to ensure that our teachers and students can have a positive experience at school. Careful consideration was given to the input and suggestions of ALL of our stakeholders.
Thank you to all parents for your patience and for ensuring that your children remain positive and understand the importance of following the protocols that have been implemented to keep them safe.
The Ministry of Education continues to stand with you and we eagerly look forward to making this school year, a year of growth, quality education and positive change. We extend best wishes to you for a safe and successful school year.