Nevis launches joint Health/Tourism campaign “Today4Tomorrow”

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 13, 2020) –- The Ministry of Health and the Nevis Tourism Authority on October 13, 2020, launched a joint health and tourism campaign “#Today4Tomorrow,” ahead of the October 31, 2020 border reopening.

The campaign, geared towards educating all stakeholders on health and safety protocols to curb the transmission of COVID-19 as the island prepares to welcome the return of international travellers, promotes two messages – “A safe Nevis depends on you” and “Responsible travel creates healthy destinations.”
Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis and Minister of Tourism who is also the Minister of Health, described the campaign as an important initiative meant to sensitise persons residing on Nevis as well as visitors to the island, when the borders reopen.
“I am unabashedly thankful that the borders are reopening. COVID, however, in addition to the tremendous economic crisis that it has created, started out and continues to be a health crisis as well, and so we have the added task of ensuring that we are not only opening, but we are reopening responsibly, and we have an obligation as government to our people, those living here and to our visitors, those we hope will come, to ensure that everyone remains safe.

“And that is why this collaboration we are seeing his morning between the Nevis Tourism Authority, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health is so absolutely critical, because it means that we have a cross-ministerial approach to reopening our borders, and a cross-ministerial approach to ensuring, that moving forward we are focused on keeping our people at home safe, and also creating a safe destination for those that will come to visit,” he said.
Ms. Jadine Yarde, Chief Executive Officer of the Nevis Tourism Authority, said it is necessary to provide not only information but resources to prepare for the inevitable when the borders reopen in about two weeks.
“As we take steps towards reopening our borders, safety is the top priority. Now that we have confirmed the date for Phase 1 of reopening and we have begun implementation of our safety measures and protocols, we are ready and eager to welcome back visitors to our beautiful shores. We are currently re-educating the general public and we want to reassure visitors, residents and citizens that we are indeed ready,” she said.
The NTA chief executive officer explained the objective of the campaign to promote healthy practices before and after the borders reopen.

“The campaign provides two distinct sets of messaging. The first is, ‘A safe Nevis depends on you’ which reminds our citizens and residents to adhere to the non-pharmaceutical measures to keep them safe and to minimise the risk, and two, ‘Responsible travel creates healthy destinations’ which targets perspective travellers. Our hashtag through social media is #today4tomorrow, reminding us all that what we do today creates the framework for our future,” she said.
Ms. Yarde added that in the coming weeks the marketing campaign will come to life with the sole purpose of encouraging safe measures for everyone.
Dr. Judy Nisbett, Medical Officer of Health on Nevis, who stood in for Junior Minister of Health Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, said the reason for the joint approach to the campaign is to reassure nationals and visitors that the island of Nevis is ready to welcome back visitors to a safe Nevis.
“We treasure our people and the campaign has a secondary message targeting our nationals reminding them of the importance to practise the non-pharmaceutical measures that will protect themselves and our visitors. Therefore, it was easy to partner with the NTA in promoting the messages in this campaign,” she said.
Dr. Nisbett, who is also the Chair of the Nevis COVID-19 Task Force, stated that the Ministry of Health will continue efforts to ensure that the people of Nevis are well-prepared, and to protect visitors to the island.
“So on October 31, 2020, we are ready to welcome back all nationals home and also visitors to the shores of Nevis, lovely Nevis,” she said.
The campaign will see the erection of billboards and banners in strategic places around the island depicting the campaign messages.
Public service announcements featuring various local officials and personalities including Premier Brantley, Minister Brandy-Williams and Andrew “Hollywood” Nisbett, calypsonian and taxi operator, will be aired on television stations, social media, and radio stations across the federation.