Nevis Premier to attend promotional meetings in London and Singapore

Premier of Nevis Hon. Vance Amory (file photo)
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 17, 2014) — Premier of Nevis Hon. Vance Amory, will be part of a joint effort to promote investors and agents for Financial Services in London from October 20-23, 2014.
The promotion effort will see the Premier holding meetings with leaders in the Financial Services and International Financial corporations in London.
It will be done in conjunction with Attorney Jan Dash and representatives of the local companies, among them, Walwyn Law, Jirehouse, Christophe Harbour, NTL Trust, Apex Capital Partners and Akerman.
Premier Amory will be joined by the Director of the Nevis Investment Promotion Agency Kimone Moving, to continue the series of promotion exercises with Henley and Partners, the principal promoters of the Citizenship by Investment Programme, at the 8th Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Singapore from October 28th to 30th.

While in Singapore, Premier Amory and Miss Moving, will have additional meetings specific to marketing the Nevis Financial Services. The meetings scheduled for October 31 and November 01, have been organised by a group of professional intermediaries in Singapore, who have been conducting business with the Nevis Financial Services Department.