Nevis’ public school principals grateful for islandwide tour by the Ministry of Education

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (August 30, 2021) — Mr. Juan Williams, Principal of the Charlestown Secondary School and Nevis Sixth Form College, on behalf of fellow school principals expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Education for an island tour organised for principals of public schools on August 27, 2021.
He also described the tour ahead of the new school year which took them to historical and other areas of interest on Nevis as a learning experience.
“I would like to thank the Ministry of Education for taking this initiative to have the principals on this tour. It is a very good gesture on the heels of a very demanding and difficult school term, and we are really rejuvenated on this trip.

“As principals, as teachers we take every opportunity to learn and it was a learning experience for me and I’m sure for most of the principals here, and so we have enjoyed ourselves here. We are grateful for this opportunity and we would like to thank the ministry again for the gesture,” Mr. Williams said.
Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister of Education, who joined the tour at New River Estate, noted that the ministry was pleased to show its appreciation for the efforts of the educators during the trying circumstances during the last school year.

“They have been working under rather adverse conditions for almost two years now with the introduction of the COVID. We’ve been under that pandemic for some time and everything has been difficult because of that.
“We’ve had to really go that extra mile but they have been putting in the work and we are very, very grateful for all of that, and so this is the opportunity for the ministry to show them some thanks and to show how grateful we are. We know that all of Nevis certainly appreciates the work that they have been putting in. So I’m hopeful that the trip has been good so far and that the rest of it they would continue to enjoy, and that we would have a very productive school year for 2021/2022,” he said.

Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the ministry, who accompanied the teachers, explained that the group which was made up of principals, deputy principals and supervisors toured a number of sites including Fort Charles, Bath Stream, the Department of Agriculture’s Cades Bay Orchard, New River Estate and the Nevisian Heritage Village at Fothergills Estate in Gingerland.