Nevis Public Works Department restores damaged equipment at government asphalt plant

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (July 20, 2023)– Minister of Communication and Works in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Spencer Brand is pleased that equipment at the government’s asphalt plant damaged by fire in December 2022 has been repaired.

The Minister, accompanied by Permanent Secretary (Ag) Mr. Denzil Stanley, and Public Works Director Mr. Jevon Williams, recently visited the facility, located at New River, St. George, for an update on the repair process.
“I’m delighted to see the progress we have made in the restoration of the plant [equipment] after the fire in December. I want to thank Scott Owen for his assistance as it relates to the recalibration of the asphalt plant. Without this plant it would have definitely hampered our operations in the maintenance of roads and also the construction of new road carriageways throughout Nevis.
“So I’m happy the plant is close to 100 percent of where it ought to be and this will be a great enhancement to our road rehabilitation project.”

Hon. Brand also thanked technician Mr. Kelron Liburd and Mr. Williams for their diligent work getting the plant back in full operation.
The Director explained that the plant itself was not damaged by the fire, however the burner system (heating tank) used to heat the bitumen and the system control panel connected to it were destroyed. Mr. Owen, a technical officer from Asphalt Drum Mixers (ADM) Inc., repaired the affected external insulation on the tank and installed a new console panel and electrical wiring.
“We had a fire at the burner system of the asphalt plant in December which impacted the plant and our production of asphalt for a short period of time. Now we’re at the point where we have completely gotten the burner system on track. With the panel system that was damaged we have been able to replace it so now the asphalt plant is getting back to full capacity and with Mr. Owen’s help we should be able to be back to full functioning order in the not too distant future.” He added that an alternate heating system was used since the fire in order that the NIA’s road rehabilitation project could continue apace.