Nevis Water Department advises of water service interruption November 23

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (Monday 21, 2022) — The following is an advisory from the Nevis Water Department (NWD) regarding an interruption in the water service scheduled for November 23, 2022.
The Nevis Water Department wishes to advise the general public of a scheduled water interruption on Wednesday November 23, 2022, during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The areas to be affected by the interruption are along the Island Main Road from Cliff Dwellers to the intersection of Mount Nevis Hotel’s entrance to Cottle Church via Oualie Beach Resort.
This water interruption is to facilitate the upgrade of water mains as part of the Island Main Road Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Project.
The Nevis Water Department is also urging the motoring public to adhere to the road signage during the construction phase of the project, and to drive with extreme caution.
Thank you for your kind understanding and patience at this time.