NIA Cabinet receives an update on the national ASPIRE programme from Federal Cabinet Secretary

Dr. Marcus Natta, Cabinet Secretary to the St. Kitts and Nevis Government makes a presentation on the ASPIRE programme to Premier the Honourable Mark Brantley and other Members of Cabinet in the Nevis Island Administration in the NIA Cabinet room on September 25, 2025


NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 25, 2024)- Members of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Cabinet on Wednesday, September 25, received an update from Dr. Marcus Natta, Cabinet Secretary to the St. Kitts and Nevis Government on the implementation process of the recently launched ASPIRE programme. 

Premier of Nevis the Honourable Mark Brantley welcomed Dr. Natta to the NIA Cabinet Room in Pinney’s Estate and expressed his keenest to learn more about how the programme would be rolled out across both islands over the coming months. 

“We look forward very much to hearing what this programme is about, to get some updates and to determine how those of us in Nevis can benefit from this programme as well.

“So thank you for being here and I believe that this is a further indication of the level of collaboration and cooperation that exists between the Federal and the local [governments] and we hope that this can continue as we work collectively for the benefit of all the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.”

Dr. Marcus Natta, Cabinet Secretary to the St. Kitts and Nevis Government makes a presentation on the ASPIRE programme to Premier the Honourable Mark Brantley and other Members of Cabinet in the Nevis Island Administration in the NIA Cabinet room on September 25, 2025


Dr. Natta, who chairs the ASPIRE Task Force, noted the importance of meeting with the NIA Cabinet to discuss the historic ASPIRE (Achieving Success through Personal Investment, Resources, and Education) programme which is intended to benefit the nation’s youth ages 5-18 years.

“I thought it was important to ensure I come over and give you a fulsome report on the programme itself. ASPIRE is a really critical programme, the first of its kind that I know of, particularly in our region. It is a national programme and as such it involves the students of Nevis as well as their parents and guardians.

“I want you to be advocates for it along with the public, and be able to answer any questions that your constituents may ask you,” Dr. Natta stated.

He displayed a video presentation for the members of Cabinet, which highlighted various aspects of the programme including who will benefit, and the different components.

Ms. Janesha Daniel, Audit Manager at the Nevis Inland Revenue Department and an integral member of the ASPIRE Task Force, was also present at the meeting. She outlined some of the progress the Task Force has made as the Federal Government mobilizes for implementation by the end of 2024.

She said the Task Force has been in consultation with the NIA’s Ministry of Education to share information and garner feedback regarding the financial literacy training for students under the programme.

During the official launch of ASPIRE on September 13, 2024, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, Minister of Finance in the Federal Government, said the programme is a promise to the youth that the government is investing in their future and in their potential to lead St. Kitts and Nevis towards a brighter tomorrow.

“This is your opportunity to build wealth, gain financial knowledge, and contribute to the prosperity of our nation,” he said during the rally held on St. Kitts to launch the programme.

Under the ASPIRE programme, each eligible citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis will receive a $1000 contribution from the government, comprised of a $500 savings account and $500 in shares from government-owned entities.



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