NIA official urges new civil servants on Nevis to become better at their jobs

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 03, 2023) — A group of 40 employees in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) were appraised on what it means to be a civil servant and the benefits derived from it, while attending a recent orientation seminar hosted by the Ministry of Human Resources.

Mr. Wakely Daniel, Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Ministry, who addressed the participants on behalf of Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis, encouraged them to learn all they can in an effort to become better civil servants.
“I urge you to take in all the information that you can and I know you will be better and greater civil servants… There are certain benefits that come with being part of the civil service. First and foremost, it’s a service, as the word says civil service. In other words, you are given the opportunity to serve others. There is no greater work in this world than to serve people. You become more fulfilled. You go home, you feel fulfilled… That’s one of the advantages of being part of the civil service.
“Then of course, you know that you have a stable job. That is critical, very, very critical. You are confident that when you wake up tomorrow in most cases you will still have a job…

“There are other benefits, for example, pension. Are you aware that not all institutions, not all companies in Nevis offer pension? The government offers [a] pension. Even though our money might be smaller than most of the institutions around Nevis, at the end of your tenure, you can look forward to getting your pension… so that is another benefit that comes from being in the civil service…
“Another advantage, of course, is the health plan…We have here on the part of the civil service, the health scheme. A lot of companies around Nevis don’t have a health plan. You have; we have here on the part of the civil service the health scheme,” he made clear to those in attendance.
However, Mr. Daniel stated that with the benefits offered to civil servants came responsibilities, some of which he expounded on.

“Along with the benefits comes responsibilities. You have a responsibility not to steal government’s time and I’m certain you know what I mean by stealing the government’s time…When you should be at work you’re in town ‘liming,’ talking to your friends. That’s stealing government’s time. When you should be doing your work, you’re on your phone on Facebook or on the computer. When you should be doing your work, you are on your phone chit chatting, gossiping with your friends. That is stealing government’s time, and with all of the benefits, you have a responsibility not to steal the government’s time…
“We offer a service. With service comes cordiality, comes courtesy. You have a responsibility that when persons come to your department, when persons come to whatever unit you are working in you should be courteous to them…
“I believe that once you’re a government worker you would have what we would call tough customers, persons who would come and push you beyond your limit, and when they push you should beat them back with a smile…
“We expect you to come to work early…All of these things are part of your responsibility.
“You have the responsibility not to bring ‘drama’ on the job. Leave all your issues and problems at home. When you come to work, you rest your issues outside the door and you come to work. You do your work professionally and when you’re leaving you pick them up, put them in your bag and you go home with them. Take them home with you but you do not, in any way, bring them [and] throw them on your colleagues or on your co-workers; you leave them for home,” he said.
Over the years, the Ministry of Human Resources has facilitated regular training exercises for the civil service, in an effort to create a more effective and well-informed team.