Premier Amory meets with Head of UWI St.Kitts Nevis open campus

Premier Amory greets Susan Sarah Owen, Head of UWI Open Campus for St Kitts and Nevis
Premier Amory greets Susan Sarah Owen, Head of UWI Open Campus for St Kitts and Nevis
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 06, 2013) –The Premier and Minister of Education in the Nevis Island Administration, the Hon. Vance Amory,on Tuesday, met and held discussions with Susan Sarah Owen,head of the UWI Open campus for St. Kitts and Nevis.  During the meeting,which took place in the premier’s office at Bath Hotel, Owen expressed her gratitude at having an audience with the premier and updated him on the services and courses offered by the UWI.

Mrs Owen noted that there is a large scope for what can be done on Nevis.

“We have programmes in Education, Social Sciences. Our programmes are developed and designed specifically to meet the needs of the Caribbean.” The UWI Open Campus head said she was very excited and is looking forward to growth and more students.

During the conversation, Premier Amory expressed his delight, particularly at the possibility of Nevisian students attending university from home. He said the benefit of getting their education from home with the Caribbean flavour and training would be much more relevant.

“We would like to have an MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] signed. I know something was worked on some years ago but never finalised ….so we will work on that.” Premier Amory said he was looking forward for the site on Nevis to become more dynamic.

The education minister further noted that the ability to work and study while at home would be much more cost-effective for the island. Amory said “They can work, they can study and as we’ve discussed, the key is to reimburse them [the students] if they are successful, so they get the double advantage.”

Mrs Owens further assured Premier Amory that the students will get the “exact same degree that the UWI has been granting over 60 years.”

The UWI Open Campus for St. Kitts and Nevis has a facility on Nevis, which has one teleconf

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