Slogan competition for Culturama 47 launched

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (April 20, 2021) – Mr. Antonio “Abonaty” Liburd, Director of the Culturama Secretariat, has announced the launch of the Culturama 47 slogan competition.
Mr. Liburd is calling on persons to fashion their slogan entries to reflect the new COVID-compliant version of the Nevis annual summer festival.
“We would like to invite persons to submit entries for the Culturama 47 slogan competition.
“Since we will not be having a lot of feting and gyrating we want to move away from those types of slogans and have a more COVID-compliant slogan. Based on the existing times that we are living in we want you to be a little more creative in terms of your slogans.
“So we want the slogan for Culturama 47 to reflect the COVID-19 environment in which Culturama will be staged this year. I want to invite persons to be very creative because we are looking for you to bring out that creativity to reflect the times we are presently living in,” he said, reminding that the slogan should be catchy and minus any form of vulgarity or profanity.
Entries can be submitted to the Culturama Secretariat at the Cotton Ginnery Mall in Charlestown in person, or emailed to
Mr. Liburd revealed the attractive prizes for the winning entry of the Culturama 47 slogan competition.
“There’s a lot at stake for submitting the winning slogan for Culturama 47.
“The winner of the slogan competition will get a cash prize of EC $500 and a plaque or trophy.
“That person would also get free passes if they wish to attend the festival events in person or if they prefer to stay at home and view Culturama online, they will also be given free access to do so,” he said.
The deadline for submissions is May 14, 2021.
Culturama 47 will take place from July 27 to August 03, 2021 and the number of events has been scaled back due to the existing COVID-19 protocols in place for events considered to be mass gatherings.