USA Galderma Group pleased to donate to Nevis school

Mr. Myles Harrison, Chief Executive Officer of the Galderma Group, delivers remarks at a handing over ceremony at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018
Mr. Myles Harrison, Chief Executive Officer of the Galderma Group, delivers remarks at a handing over ceremony at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 01, 2018) — Mr. Myles Harrison, Chief Executive Officer of the Galderma Group, an international dermatology company with offices in the United States of America, says members of the company were proud to give of their time and efforts to the community of Nevis.

Members of the Galderma Group painting and repairing the play area as part of a gift to the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018
Members of the Galderma Group painting and repairing the play area as part of a gift to the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018

The group which comprised of 90 visitors were on a retreat on Nevis, where they spent two days enhancing the Ivor Walters Primary School’s play area, refurbishing the bathrooms and providing a concrete walkway for an ongoing school greenhouse project, and donated an assortment of school supplies on February 28, 2018.

“It makes us very proud to come to your school and help you out. Normally a company like Galderma…travels and has an incentive trip with so many great people we don’t normally give back to the community. We decided we will give back to the community on these occasions and we will continue to give back to the community.

A member of the Galderma Group visiting Nevis interacts with students at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018
A member of the Galderma Group visiting Nevis interacts with students at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018

“I do also know we are one of the first companies to give back to the community here and I hope we set a new trend here in Nevis for everybody who comes and brings groups, so they could do something for this community, this beautiful island that you have” he said.

In response to the gesture, the school’s Principal Mrs. Janice Whittaker-Richards on behalf of the students and staff thanked the group profusely for extending their love toward the school. Ms. Leanna Liburd, Student Body Council President delivered the vote of thanks.

A member of the Galderma Group visiting Nevis interacts with students at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018
A member of the Galderma Group visiting Nevis interacts with students at the Ivor Walters Primary School at Brown Hill on February 28, 2018

The gift to the school was made possible through the collaborative effort with local tourism partners SunLinc Destination Management and Company. Ms. Dianna Williams, who represents the company, chaired the ceremony.

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