2012 Culturama Contestants to be launched on Friday

Chairperson of the Pageants’ Subcommittee, Ms. Jáedee Caines, has confirmed that the contestants in the Ms. Culture Queen Pageant and Ms. Culture Swimwear and Mr. Kool Contests will be launched on Friday following a mini motorcade into Charlestown.
“The general public has been inquiring about the launch for quite some time. With that in mind, the Pageants’ Subcommittee is excited about launching our charismatic contestants and participants at the A.L. Evelyn Building,” Ms. Caines said.
The grand launch of the Ms. Culture Queen, Ms. Culture Swimwear and Mr. Kool contestants and participants has become a major event on the Culturama calendar as patrons normally line the sidewalks in the island’s capital, Charlestown, to witness the contestants’ first public appearance.
Also on June 22, the contestants will be featured at a Launch Party at Vs Courtyard where they will be able to meet members of the Nevisian community in a more intimate setting.
“The Launch Party is new on the Culturama calendar and we anticipate that it will be a success. After being blown away by this year’s contestants and participants at the launch, I am hopeful that persons would want an even closer look,” Ms. Caines said.
While no major activity has been planned for Saturday [June 23], the Ms. Culture Queen Pageant and Ms. Culture Swimwear contestants and the Mr. Kool participants would be preparing for their first fashion show.
Slated for Sun. 24 June at 5pm, the inaugural 2012 Culturama Fashion Show will be held at the Pinney’s Beach Hotel.
“At the Pinney’s Beach Hotel, the contestants would be modeling the latest clothing from some of Nevis’ top stores and that too is expected to be a success,” Chairperson Caines said.
The Ms. Culture Swimwear and Mr. Kool Contests will be held on Sun. 29 July and the Ms. Culture Queen Pageant will be held on Sun. 5 Aug. Both shows will be staged at the Nevis Cultural Complex.