Attorney-at-law Slack representing Nevis at CYP9 in Jersey

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 26, 2018) — Nevis is being represented at the 9th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s (CPA) Commonwealth Youth Parliament (CYP9) by Ms. Michelle Slack this week in Jersey, a small island in the English Channel.
Ms. Slack left Nevis on February 24, 2018, for Jersey via England and is expected to leave for Nevis at the end of the conference on March 01, 2018. The Youth parliament commenced on February 25 and will conclude on March 01.

Hon. Farrel Smithen, President of the Nevis Island Assembly, explained that the local branch of the CPA selected Ms. Slack to attend the conference.
“The persons in authority decided that we should select a candidate. We had four persons up for selection and when we went through all the information and who we think would best represent the island we decided that Michelle was the right person,” he said.
The forum is made up of participants aged 18 to 29 and provides an opportunity for young people from across the Commonwealth to get together to learn how politics and the parliamentary process work.
At the conference, Ms. Slack who is likely to join 59 other delegates from Commonwealth member states, is expected to participate in parliamentary sessions and sittings on the government or opposition side and would serve as an ambassador for Nevis.
He stated that Nevis has become known as one of the leading branches in the Commonwealth where Youth Parliament is concerned.
Meantime, Ms. Slack, a young Attorney-at-law will have a unique opportunity, like the rest of the delegates, to develop leadership and experience and to be empowered to make a positive difference in shaping the future of the communities. She said she is pleased for the chance to represent Nevis.
“To have been selected is humbling but I know it is also a task that will require hard work. I have seen the programme outline from the CPA and it will be an intense few days of meetings, mentorship programmes, activities and training sessions on parliamentary matters, good governance and democracy.
“It will be enriching for me. I am looking forward to the experience because it will not only be educational but it provides an opportunity for networking with other youths across the Commonwealth,” she said.
Ms. Mickia Mills, another young Attorney-at-Law, represented Nevis in 2015 at the conference held in Australia.