Beachgoers, sports persons mostly compliant with COVID-19 protocols, says Police Superintendent 

Superintendent Lyndon David, Divisional Commander of the Nevis Division, Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, giving updates from the police at the Nevis COVID-19 EOC Briefing on July 20, 2020
Superintendent Lyndon David, Divisional Commander of the Nevis Division, Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, giving updates from the police at the Nevis COVID-19 EOC Briefing on July 20, 2020

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (July 21, 2020) – Beachgoers and persons engaging in sporting activities in Nevis are being commended for adhering to the COVID-19 regulations and protocols.

Superintendent Lyndon David, Divisional Commander of the Nevis Division, Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, in his presentation at the Nevis COVID-19 EOC Briefing on July 20, 2020, credited those persons visiting beaches for maintaining social distancing and not having large gatherings.

“Having made some visits to some of the beaches, I realise there are a number of persons who are trying their best to ensure they comply with the regulations and I would want to say, continue to do so,” he said.

The Nevis COVID-19 Task Force member took the opportunity to remind citizens and residents that there should be no picnics at the beaches, and no parties, especially social gatherings where large groups of persons would be in attendance.

He said that could easily cause the transmission of the COVID-19, which would create a problem in the Federation. Members of the same family are permitted to congregate in small groups when accessing the beach.

Superintendent David further informed that so far there have been no challenges with persons practising sports or conducting sporting exercises, as they have also been largely compliant with the COVID-19 regulations.

“To all sporting organisations, teams, and clubs, continue to ensure your athletes and participants are compliant with the protocols of the regulations,” he said.

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