Young Nevis men called on to join the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Commissioner of Police in St. Kitts and Nevis Mr. Celvin G. Walwyn
Commissioner of Police in St. Kitts and Nevis Mr. Celvin G. Walwyn
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 05, 2012) — A call was made to young men on Nevis to sign up in the ongoing recruitment for the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force.

Head of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force Commissioner Celvin G. Walyyn made the appeal when he delivered remarks at the 9th annual Police Constable Awards Ceremony on Nevis on February 25, 2012.

“This is your community we are recruiting right now for police officers for the police force. If you have young men who are interested in becoming police officers please have them go by the police station and fill out the application.

“If they can pass the background investigation they will be given consideration for employment. We have 40 slots that we are going to have to fill. We have already picked up 23 people,” he said.

According to Mr. Walwyn, it was often said that young men were not interested in becoming member of the Police Force but dispelled the talk as untrue.

“People are saying that young men don’t want to be cops in the Federation that’s not true, that is not true.

“Young men are looking for a chance like anybody else and we are extending our arm to them if they are interested their community. Please have them go by the Police Department,” he said.

It was not the first time young men of Nevis were urged to join the Police Force. In recent times Premier of Nevis and Minister responsible for security in the Nevis Island Administration Hon. Joseph Parry had echoed similar sentiments.

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