Daniel Declares that NRP Wants Universal Health Insurance for All Nevisians

Charlestown, Nevis (May 23, 2011) – Nevis’ Deputy Premier, the elected representative for the parish
of St. John, the Hon. Hensley Daniel, says that the NRP-led Administration is pursuing universal health
insurance for all Nevisians. Minister Daniel made the declaration while addressing Nevisians at a town
hall meeting in Florida.
“We want to put everybody in health insurance because nearly two thirds of the country has no health
insurance. That cannot continue under our watch and we believe we have to insure everybody. We
are beginning the discussions shortly with the people here in Florida and Lloyds of London; we will be
meeting with them to develop a pilot project.”
“It costs about $1,000 per treatment, so you can begin to imagine: three treatments a week times four
equals $12,000 per month; hardly anyone works in Nevis for that amount of money.”
Officials from Florida and the UK are presently in Nevis meeting with Health Minister Daniel to finalize
the details regarding the proposed new policy for Nevisians.