Depression does not discriminate, says Nevis Mental Health Counsellor

Her comment came when she delivered brief remarks at the start of a one-day Workshop on Depression on April 16, 2013, at the Red Cross Building. The event, which targeted faith-based organisations and health professionals on the island, was organised by the Nevis Community Mental Health Unit in conjunction with the Ministry of Health.
“Depression is real. It is no respecter of persons, class or religion. The impact of religion and spiritual benefits on an individual’s life has been thoroughly documented by various reliable, accredited bodies. The impact of religion on depression and depression on one’s religious beliefs, have been chronicled.
“Today we hope the lines of communication would be opened and firmly established between Mental Health professionals and the various faith-based groups here on Nevis,” she said.
Ms. Jones expressed hope, that on conclusion of the workshop participants and by extension the public, would be more informed on Depression and would work together with professionals at the Mental Health Unit to promote good mental health, and to acknowledge the impact of mental health on an individual’s life and consequently on the growth and wellbeing of Nevis.