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Brochure – Incorporating a domestic company
This brochure offers guidance on forming a domestic company under the Companies Ordinance, No. 4 of 1999. For a more complete understanding of the provisions referenced in this document, the Ordinance should be consulted.
Brochure – non-profit company
Non-profit companies are also referred to as ‘companies without share capital’ under the Companies Ordinance, 1999. Part III Division A of the Ordinance governs how such companies may be registered at the Companies Registry.
Winding up procedure
the procedure for “Voluntary Winding-up” in accordance with Division C of the Companies Ordinance, 1999
Business License Application
A valid Passport or Birth Certificate must be presented for verification of information when returning this application. Other forms of identification/authentication may be required.
Returning National Form
Please note that all returnees are asked to provide proof of nationality (valid passport or identification card with visible picture {No Voters ID}), a quantified list of All items to be brought into the island whether now or later, so that the matter could be dealt with all at once, along with the Original Copy of the completed returning national form all of which should be presented to the Ministry of Finance.
Returning National Policy
Full proof of Nationality (Birth Certificate & Passport) Must Be Presented With This Form
External Company Forms
A director or authorised officer of the Company or an attorney-at-law shall sign the application. Completed documents, in duplicate and the prescribed fee are to be deposited at the office of the Registrar.