First day of port entrance fee at Charlestown Port going well, NASPA’s senior Port Officer says

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (December 16, 2019) — Vehicle owners who drive onto the Charlestown Port pier to carry out drop-offs and pick-ups are required to pay the Nevis Air and Sea Ports Authority (NASPA) a port entrance fee of EC$2.00, and in the case of businesses a monthly charge of EC$50.00 as of December 16, 2019.

The Department of Information visited the sea port on December 16, 2019, and NASPA’s Port Officer Sergeant Berlyn Webbe, who is stationed there said the new process was going smoothly on the first day with the exception of a few challenges from some vehicle owners.
In a release from the authority dated December 12, 2019, Mr. Ken Pemberton NASPA’s Operations Manager at the port explained that the new measure was instituted in an effort to enhance security and to better manage the facility.
“A fee will be charged to enter the port. Instead of driving on the pier dropping off a letter or collecting a letter from the vessel, we are asking you to walk so that they can ease the traffic on the pier and avoid congestion,” he explained.

On entering the port entrance via the Iron Shed, the fee would be deposited into an automated system programmed to accept two $1.00 coins or eight 25 cents coins. In the case of business owners, the fee will have to be paid at the port’s office in Charlestown at the end of every month.
As for members of the public who prefer to walk to the boats to drop off or make collections, Mr. Pemberton noted that they should exercise due care and attention to assist the authority to better manage the facility especially when it is busy.
The NASPA official urged members of the public to comply with the new system.

“Please work with us as we try to provide quality service, better service for all in the island of Nevis,” he said.