Four Bills for March 23 Nevis Island Assembly sitting, revised Order Paper states

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 22, 2021) — The Nevis Island Assembly will sit in Chambers at Hamilton House on Samuel Hunkins Drive on Tuesday March 23, 2021, from 10:00 a.m.
The revised Order Paper dated March 22, 2021, as circulated by Ms. Myra Williams, Clerk of the Assembly, during the sitting Hon. Mark Brantley in his capacity as Minister of Health, will seek leave to introduce and have read a first time the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2021.

The Health Minister will also seek leave to introduce and have a first a first time the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority Bill, 2021 which will repeal and replace the parent Bill the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority Ordinance Chapter 3.03 (N).
In his capacity as the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Brantley will seek leave to introduce and have read a first time the Nevis Film Industry Bill, 2021.
During the Public Business session, in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Mr. Brantley will move the second and third readings of the Nevis Trust Corporate Service Providers Bill, 2021 before the sitting adjourns.
The sitting will be presided over by Minister of Health. It will commence with his Formal Entry, followed by Prayers, Motion for the approval of the Order Paper as circulated; Messages from Her Honour Hyletta Liburd, Deputy Governor General of Nevis; and Announcements by the President.
Following will be Papers to be laid; Statements by Ministers; Personal Explanations; Introduction of Bills and First Reading; Public Business; and Adjournment.