HTRIP Investors giving back to community

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (APRIL 24. 2015) — Apart from a major tourism related investment on Nevis, Chinese investors HTRIP say they are already giving back to the community and will continue to do so, through donations.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of HTRIP and 1st Director of Caribbean Development Consultant Ltd.(CDCL) Jian Li, made the comment at a press conference on April 23, 2015, at Riviere House Restaurant designed to provide local media with an opportunity to glean more information about the project.
“For the HTRIP, culture [and] sports are very important to us. Actually, in the past two weeks we’ve climbed [Mt.] Liamigua. We’ve hiked to Peak Haven and we’ve been snorkelling here…
“We have been the sponsor to some local activities like drag racing and Culturama. So in the future we will do more for the local sports and culture,” he said.
Li also stated that HTRIP looked forward to progress in the economy and in particular in the area of tourism on the island and will continue to promote Nevis, especially in Hong Kong, where HTRIP is based as a vacation destination.
“We take the responsibility to promote Nevis and we let the clients know about here, know about the paradise and the beautiful island. In the future more Chinese and Hong Kongnese will come here to travel and vacation,” he said.
On completion in 2016, the HTRIP Candy Resort Villa Development will comprise of 17 buildings, with three units each with a total of 51 rooms. All employees at the resort will be pooled from local residents.