Kisean Warner

“Aspire to Inspire before you Expire” is the personal motto of Contestant number 5 in this year’s Mr. Kool contest, 19 year old Kisean Ola’Jean Warner. The People’s Choice.
“Aspire to Inspire before you Expire” is the personal motto of Contestant number 5 in this year’s Mr. Kool contest, 19 year old Kisean Ola’Jean Warner. The People’s Choice.
Born on February 8th, 1995, on the beautiful island of Queen City, Nevis, Kisean is a young man of many qualities, an inventive and contemporary individual, who portrays all the true characteristics of an Aquarius.
And why is he the people’s choice? Because although Kisean is well loved across the Nevisian community and engages his time in service to the community, he has never been part of the crowd, he could never fit in as he was born to stand out, set apart, and this is evidenced by his ability to develop himself into a remarkable young man despite the prevalence of delinquency of men his age and the fact that he grew up never having met his father. He is highly ambitious, candid, innovative, and courteous and this is why Kisean Ola’Jean Warner is the People’s Choice.
He received his primary education at the Charlestown Primary School and his secondary education at the Charlestown Secondary School where he graduated in 2012. Kisean has a growing interest and love for law and the legal profession and intends to pursue a bachelor of laws degree in the near future. He is currently employed at Oualie Attorneys, a law firm in Charlestown, Nevis. 
However, his ambition is not limited to that and Kisean has envisioned himself as a successful entrepreneur, owning his own clothing line due to his love for fashion, and also becoming an international performer where his full potential in music would be developed.
From an early age, he developed a zeal for learning and a passion for excellence. He began harnessing his talent by playing the piano at the age of eight and taught himself most of what he knows. He’s an exceptional vocalist and loves music which he considers “the language of the soul”. He is a longstanding member of the Nevis Boys’ Choir and holds an honorary membership in the Jerusalem Children’s Choir. He is an active member at the Charlestown Methodist Church and was awarded last year for being one of the Federation’s “25 Most Remarkable Teens”, being awarded in the categories of Music and Spiritual Commitment.
Apart from being the naturally kool guy that he is, Kisean enjoys socializing with friends, spending time with his family, or simply just relaxing on the beach and consuming the wonders of nature. 
Kisean grew up and currently lives at Low Street, near to a community where many persons are considered to be involved in negative activities.  However, he is one of the young men who strives to stay on the right path, and at the same time motivate others to do the same and be positive. Kisean wants to make a difference in the lives of those around him. He hopes that competing for the Mr. Kool title this year will allow him to explore many opportunities in the entertainment industry and also achieve personal confidence. He also wishes to encourage young men to pursue their dreams and not to let fear hinder them from achieving their heart’s desire.
Kisean believes that “Being Kool is not only about being able to captivate an audience. It is much more than that- It is a bundle of traits bound up in an individual who can be described as intelligent, talented, diligent, unique, debonair, positive. That is what it takes.” 
Kisean Ola’Jean Warner, The epitome of Kool- The People’s Choice for Mr. Kool 2014.
If Kisean is your favorite, vote for him here:
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