Major prizes at stake in vaccination raffle; referral drive for Nevis youths

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 26, 2022) — The Department of Public Health on Nevis has embarked on a “Let’s Get Vaxxed Raffle” simultaneously with a “Let’s Get Vaxxed Refferal Drive” with major prizes at stake in an effort to encourage younger persons to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Ms. Shavenee Nisbett, Senior Health Educator in the Ministry of Health while speaking to the Department of Information on January 24, 2022 gave the basis for the raffle.
“This raffle was created to encourage persons to get vaccinated, so that we can get a higher percentage of persons vaccinated and our island would be more protected against COVID-19, and so we decided to come up with a raffle that is attractive to persons, especially the younger persons. They would be able to enter the raffle as soon as they take their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“For the “Let’s Get Vaxxed Raffle” we are targeting persons between the age of 12-21, and the prizes to be won are: the latest iPhone 13, the Samsung S21, Galaxy pods, Apple AirPods, smart watch, a laptop and the Apple Xbox or PlayStation Amazon gift card,” she said.
In order to get vaccinated young persons between the age of 12 and 17 must have permission from their parents.
The “Let’s Get Vaxxed Refferal Drive” is opened to all age groups from 12 years and above. Ms Nisbett also explained the guidelines for the second raffle.
“If you refer someone to get the COVID-19 vaccine you are eligible to enter the raffle. The prizes for this one is: a washing machine, a 60inch smart gaming compatible television, air pods – the Galaxy pods and the Apple pods and of course, either the iPhone 13 or the Samsung S21.
“The referrer must be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine would be able to participate, and the vaccinated person is also eligible to enter the raffle… as long as they take their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine before the end of February this year, then both persons are eligible to enter.”
The Senior Health Educator added, that there are persons who are eligible to enter both raffles at the same time. If one lives in a household where there is someone between the age of 12 to 21 who has not yet taken the vaccine, that person can then take the vaccine. If they were referred by someone who has already taken the vaccine, then the person who referred them can also enter the raffle as well, as the other person enters the raffle twice.
The ongoing raffle and drive commenced in December 2021 and according to Ms. Nisbett, only one ticket per fully vaccinated person may be submitted but it must be submitted by the vaccine recipient.
“The referral ticket must be completed and signed by both the referral and the vaxxed recipient, and of course this could be dropped into the envelopes at the health centre. So this all takes place at the health centre.
“Once you get your second dose of the vaccine, the nurses will remind you that you are eligible to enter the raffle but you could always remind them if nothing was said and you would like to enter,” she said.
The drawing for the raffle and referral drive takes place at the end of February. However, both close on the last day of February and the date for the draw will be announced later.
Responding to the reaction of the raffle and referral drive so far, Ms. Nisbett noted that they have been going well but the department remains hopeful that they will see an increase in younger persons on Nevis taking part and getting vaccinated.