Min. of Health on Nevis receives mobile medical unit, a gift from the people of Japan

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 29, 2019) — The Ministry of Health on Nevis will be better able to execute its outreach programmes, thanks to the gift of a medical vehicle from the Government and people of Japan. The gift is part of a multi-million dollar donation from Japan to assist in health care and disaster management.

At a handing over ceremony on the grounds of the Nevis Disaster Management Department (NDMD) on May 29, 2019. Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, Junior Minister of Health, thanked the people of Japan for their valuable gesture.
“On behalf of the Nevis Island Administration, on behalf of the Premier who is the senior Minister of Health, I would like to say thank you to your government for making this worthwhile donation possible….
“We are eternally grateful for this very worthy gift, and I am certain that the technicians would use it in the way that it is authorised to be use. I am told the unit is multi-faceted and a number of tests could be done. Some of them are HIV, Pap smear, Cholesterol and blood pressure. So this is not a simple unit. It is one that will help us in reaching those persons who are sort of difficult to reach,” she said.
The minister stated that health care on the island is not static and receiving the mobile unit is testimony to that.

Mrs. Brandy-Williams added that the Ministry of Health is in the process of upgrading its outreach programme and with the addition of the mobile unit it would be able to reach those who otherwise would not be able to visit the health centres.
Meantime, Dr. Judy Nisbett, Medical Officer of Health in the Nevis Island Administration, added her thanks to the people of Japan, on behalf of the Public Health Department, for the timely and generous gift.
The top health official disclosed that the medical mobile unit, with its specifications, is the end product of discussions and collaboration with the donor to ensure that the mobile facility meets the needs on Nevis in particular to accommodate the outreach programme.
“One such use is for outreach activities and therefore this donation is timely…This unit can serve many purposes and one such purpose is its use during mass events whether it’s for practice or real mass events, and also in response to mass casualty events such as natural disasters like hurricanes of which we are accustomed,” she said.

Dr. Nisbett noted in recent times the ministry had been making a deliberate shift towards conducting more outreach programmes owing to the increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
“With the rise in non-communicable diseases this is strategic because if persons are aware of their health status, of their numbers such as their blood pressure, blood sugar and so forth, the more likely they are to seek health care and to live healthier lifestyles.
“In fact, to commemorate World Hypertension Day, we just ended a week of outreach sessions at workplaces, and there are many more work places to be reached. We realise that though the six health centres are strategically placed around the island, certain segments of the population, for example men and adolescents, do not take full advantage of the services offered. This mobile unit, therefore, will give us the opportunity to reach these persons where they live, where they work and where they play,” she said.
Among those present at the ceremony were Mr. Yuji Takeuchie, General Manager of Futurebud International Co. Ltd., and Ms. Mio Nowatari, senior staff in the company’s Sales Department; Mr. Gary Pemberton, Hospital Administrator; Mr. Brian Dyer, Director of the NDMD and Nurse Ermin Jeffers, Coordinator of the Community Nursing Services; and Mrs. Nadine Carty-Caines, Programme Coordinator in the Health Promotion Unit.