Ministry of Social Development Celebrates With Centenarian Dulcina Hull

NIA-CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS (March 25TH, 2011) — When asked, “Why do you think you made it to 101 years,” Flamboyant Nursing Home resident Ms. Dulcina Hull responded, “Because I’m good.”
Ms. Hull, who celebrated her 101ST birthday on Monday [Mar. 21], is the most recent senior citizen to benefit from the Seniors Birthday Programme within the Nevis Island Administration’s Ministry of Social Development.
With the Honourable Hensley Daniel away on government business, Special Advisor to the Ministry of Health Mrs. Patricia Hanley, joined Ministry of Social Development employees Mrs. Janet Herbert and Ms. Angela Challenger; Nurse Manager at the Flamboyant Nursing Home Ms. Ena Sutton; and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pemberton, at an official ceremony for the celebrant.
In addition to congratulating Ms. Hull, the Health Advisor assured her that the NIA was “grateful for the contribution she made to the society.”
“Mrs. Hull, I want to say happy birthday to you. God bless you and congratulations.
“We have not forgotten you. We are here to celebrate with you your 101st birthday,” Mrs. Hanley said.

Mrs. Hanley’s message was reiterated by Mrs. Janet Herbert, an employee within the Ministry of Social Development who described the centenarian as “a tower of strength.”
“Every time we come to do our visitation, she always has that word of encouragement to trust in the Lord. May God continue to bless you and you continue to trust in him and lean on the everlasting arm,” Mrs. Herbert said.
In addition to speaking of the friendship that she shared with Ms. Hull, Ms. Pemberton described her friend as “a virtuous woman.”
The overjoyed celebrant, amidst brief moments of comic relief, recorded her appreciation to the event’s organisers for the gesture.
“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day. Bless all who helped me. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,” Ms. Hull said.
Ms. Hull’s 101st birthday celebration was held at the Alexandra Hospital’s Flamboyant Nursing Home.