Nevis Administration seeks SIDF assistance for new laboratory and diagnostic wing

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration Hon. Vance Amory
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (July 02, 2014) – The possibility for monetary assistance for a new laboratory and diagnostic wing on Nevis from the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF), was one matter Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory raised, at a recent meeting with St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas. The meeting was convened to discuss issues related to the Nevis Island Administration (NIA).
Mr. Amory made the disclosure in a recent television statement on NTv Channel 8 and described the planned project as a critical one for the delivery of efficient health care on Nevis. He said it was one of a few important projects which the NIA wanted to implement but was seeking support from the SIDF for funding.
“We [raised with] the Prime Minister, the next project which is a laboratory and diagnostic wing at the Alexandra Hospital. We’ve spoken a lot about the laboratory and the reason being, we can have no meaningful or can have no efficient health service, unless there is an effective, efficient laboratory and diagnostic service for the hospital because that is what drives the treatment, drives the diagnosis determining what ails a patient [and] determines what treatment should be taken.
“I think the construction and equipping of a laboratory and diagnostic wing at the Hospital, would be a critical project for the people of Nevis and for our visitors because the question often being asked when we are promoting and discussing with our high-end visitors or returning nationals who have lived in the UK, lived in the United States or lived elsewhere is, do we have adequate health services?” he said.
Mr. Amory further explained, over the years the NIA had sought to develop the Alexandra Hospital as a reliable primary care facility with efficient service. However, the time had come for the next step in its development.
“We think we need to go to another level with the development of some challenges with respect to the existing location of the present lab. We need to have a new facility. You would have noticed that we have cleared the back area of the hospital compound because we do intend, having made the decision, that that is where we would put our diagnostic wing.
“Once we have done that, we intend also to upgrade the theatre to provide better equipment, so that we can provide a service which our people can be proud of and those who come here to live or to visit, can know that they have a reliable health service,” he said.
Mr. Amory was accompanied to the Basseterre meeting by Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in the NIA Colin Dore.